/* This example requires some changes to your config: ``` // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { // ... plugins: [ // ... require('@tailwindcss/forms'), ], } ``` */ import { Fragment, useState } from 'react' import { Dialog, Listbox, Menu, Transition } from '@headlessui/react' import { Bars3Icon, CalendarDaysIcon, CreditCardIcon, EllipsisVerticalIcon, FaceFrownIcon, FaceSmileIcon, FireIcon, HandThumbUpIcon, HeartIcon, PaperClipIcon, UserCircleIcon, XMarkIcon as XMarkIconMini, } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' import { BellIcon, XMarkIcon as XMarkIconOutline } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline' import { CheckCircleIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/solid' const navigation = [ { name: 'Home', href: '#' }, { name: 'Invoices', href: '#' }, { name: 'Clients', href: '#' }, { name: 'Expenses', href: '#' }, ] const invoice = { subTotal: '$8,800.00', tax: '$1,760.00', total: '$10,560.00', items: [ { id: 1, title: 'Logo redesign', description: 'New logo and digital asset playbook.', hours: '20.0', rate: '$100.00', price: '$2,000.00', }, { id: 2, title: 'Website redesign', description: 'Design and program new company website.', hours: '52.0', rate: '$100.00', price: '$5,200.00', }, { id: 3, title: 'Business cards', description: 'Design and production of 3.5" x 2.0" business cards.', hours: '12.0', rate: '$100.00', price: '$1,200.00', }, { id: 4, title: 'T-shirt design', description: 'Three t-shirt design concepts.', hours: '4.0', rate: '$100.00', price: '$400.00', }, ], } const activity = [ { id: 1, type: 'created', person: { name: 'Chelsea Hagon' }, date: '7d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-23T10:32' }, { id: 2, type: 'edited', person: { name: 'Chelsea Hagon' }, date: '6d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-23T11:03' }, { id: 3, type: 'sent', person: { name: 'Chelsea Hagon' }, date: '6d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-23T11:24' }, { id: 4, type: 'commented', person: { name: 'Chelsea Hagon', imageUrl: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1550525811-e5869dd03032?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=facearea&facepad=2&w=256&h=256&q=80', }, comment: 'Called client, they reassured me the invoice would be paid by the 25th.', date: '3d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-23T15:56', }, { id: 5, type: 'viewed', person: { name: 'Alex Curren' }, date: '2d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-24T09:12' }, { id: 6, type: 'paid', person: { name: 'Alex Curren' }, date: '1d ago', dateTime: '2023-01-24T09:20' }, ] const moods = [ { name: 'Excited', value: 'excited', icon: FireIcon, iconColor: 'text-white', bgColor: 'bg-red-500' }, { name: 'Loved', value: 'loved', icon: HeartIcon, iconColor: 'text-white', bgColor: 'bg-pink-400' }, { name: 'Happy', value: 'happy', icon: FaceSmileIcon, iconColor: 'text-white', bgColor: 'bg-green-400' }, { name: 'Sad', value: 'sad', icon: FaceFrownIcon, iconColor: 'text-white', bgColor: 'bg-yellow-400' }, { name: 'Thumbsy', value: 'thumbsy', icon: HandThumbUpIcon, iconColor: 'text-white', bgColor: 'bg-blue-500' }, { name: 'I feel nothing', value: null, icon: XMarkIconMini, iconColor: 'text-gray-400', bgColor: 'bg-transparent' }, ] function classNames(...classes) { return classes.filter(Boolean).join(' ') } export default function Example() { const [mobileMenuOpen, setMobileMenuOpen] = useState(false) const [selected, setSelected] = useState(moods[5]) return ( <>
Your Company
Your profile
{navigation.map((item) => ( {item.name} ))}
{/* Invoice summary */}


Alex Curren
Due date
Paid with MasterCard
{/* Invoice */}


Issued on
{' '}
Due on
{' '}
Acme, Inc.
7363 Cynthia Pass
Toronto, ON N3Y 4H8
Tuple, Inc
886 Walter Street
New York, NY 12345
{invoice.items.map((item) => ( ))}
Projects Hours Rate Price
{item.hours} {item.rate} {item.price}
Subtotal Subtotal {invoice.subTotal}
Tax Tax {invoice.tax}
Total Total {invoice.total}
{/* Activity feed */}


    {activity.map((activityItem, activityItemIdx) => (
  • {activityItem.type === 'commented' ? ( <>
    {activityItem.person.name} commented


    ) : ( <>
    {activityItem.type === 'paid' ? (
  • ))}
{/* New comment form */}