/* This example requires some changes to your config: ``` // tailwind.config.js module.exports = { // ... plugins: [ // ... require('@tailwindcss/forms'), require('@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio'), ], } ``` */ import { Fragment, useState } from 'react' import { Dialog, Popover, Tab, Transition } from '@headlessui/react' import { Bars3Icon, MagnifyingGlassIcon, ShoppingCartIcon, UserIcon, XMarkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline' import { ChevronDownIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' const currencies = ['CAD', 'USD', 'AUD', 'EUR', 'GBP'] const navigation = { categories: [ { name: 'Women', featured: [ { name: 'Sleep', href: '#' }, { name: 'Swimwear', href: '#' }, { name: 'Underwear', href: '#' }, ], collection: [ { name: 'Everything', href: '#' }, { name: 'Core', href: '#' }, { name: 'New Arrivals', href: '#' }, { name: 'Sale', href: '#' }, ], categories: [ { name: 'Basic Tees', href: '#' }, { name: 'Artwork Tees', href: '#' }, { name: 'Bottoms', href: '#' }, { name: 'Underwear', href: '#' }, { name: 'Accessories', href: '#' }, ], brands: [ { name: 'Full Nelson', href: '#' }, { name: 'My Way', href: '#' }, { name: 'Re-Arranged', href: '#' }, { name: 'Counterfeit', href: '#' }, { name: 'Significant Other', href: '#' }, ], }, { name: 'Men', featured: [ { name: 'Casual', href: '#' }, { name: 'Boxers', href: '#' }, { name: 'Outdoor', href: '#' }, ], collection: [ { name: 'Everything', href: '#' }, { name: 'Core', href: '#' }, { name: 'New Arrivals', href: '#' }, { name: 'Sale', href: '#' }, ], categories: [ { name: 'Artwork Tees', href: '#' }, { name: 'Pants', href: '#' }, { name: 'Accessories', href: '#' }, { name: 'Boxers', href: '#' }, { name: 'Basic Tees', href: '#' }, ], brands: [ { name: 'Significant Other', href: '#' }, { name: 'My Way', href: '#' }, { name: 'Counterfeit', href: '#' }, { name: 'Re-Arranged', href: '#' }, { name: 'Full Nelson', href: '#' }, ], }, ], pages: [ { name: 'Company', href: '#' }, { name: 'Stores', href: '#' }, ], } const products = [ { id: 1, name: 'Nomad Tumbler', description: 'This durable and portable insulated tumbler will keep your beverage at the perfect temperature during your next adventure.', href: '#', price: '35.00', status: 'Preparing to ship', step: 1, date: 'March 24, 2021', datetime: '2021-03-24', address: ['Floyd Miles', '7363 Cynthia Pass', 'Toronto, ON N3Y 4H8'], email: 'f•••@example.com', phone: '1•••••••••40', imageSrc: 'https://tailwindui.com/img/ecommerce-images/confirmation-page-03-product-01.jpg', imageAlt: 'Insulated bottle with white base and black snap lid.', }, { id: 2, name: 'Minimalist Wristwatch', description: 'This contemporary wristwatch has a clean, minimalist look and high quality components.', href: '#', price: '149.00', status: 'Shipped', step: 0, date: 'March 23, 2021', datetime: '2021-03-23', address: ['Floyd Miles', '7363 Cynthia Pass', 'Toronto, ON N3Y 4H8'], email: 'f•••@example.com', phone: '1•••••••••40', imageSrc: 'https://tailwindui.com/img/ecommerce-images/confirmation-page-03-product-02.jpg', imageAlt: 'Arm modeling wristwatch with black leather band, white watch face, thin watch hands, and fine time markings.', }, // More products... ] const footerNavigation = { account: [ { name: 'Manage Account', href: '#' }, { name: 'Saved Items', href: '#' }, { name: 'Orders', href: '#' }, { name: 'Redeem Gift card', href: '#' }, ], service: [ { name: 'Shipping & Returns', href: '#' }, { name: 'Warranty', href: '#' }, { name: 'FAQ', href: '#' }, { name: 'Find a store', href: '#' }, { name: 'Get in touch', href: '#' }, ], company: [ { name: 'Who we are', href: '#' }, { name: 'Press', href: '#' }, { name: 'Careers', href: '#' }, { name: 'Terms & Conditions', href: '#' }, { name: 'Privacy', href: '#' }, ], connect: [ { name: 'Instagram', href: '#' }, { name: 'Pinterest', href: '#' }, { name: 'Twitter', href: '#' }, ], } function classNames(...classes) { return classes.filter(Boolean).join(' ') } export default function Example() { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false) return (
{/* Mobile menu */}
{/* Links */}
{navigation.categories.map((category) => ( classNames( selected ? 'border-indigo-600 text-indigo-600' : 'border-transparent text-gray-900', 'flex-1 whitespace-nowrap border-b-2 px-1 py-4 text-base font-medium' ) } > {category.name} ))}
{navigation.categories.map((category, categoryIdx) => (




{navigation.pages.map((page) => ( ))}
{/* Currency selector */}

Order #54879

View invoice

Order placed{' '}

View invoice
{/* Products */}

Products purchased

{products.map((product) => (




Delivery address
{product.address[0]} {product.address[1]} {product.address[2]}
Shipping updates




{product.status} on

{/* Billing */}

Billing Summary

Billing address
Floyd Miles 7363 Cynthia Pass Toronto, ON N3Y 4H8
Payment information


Ending with 4242

Expires 02 / 24

Order total
) }