import { useState } from 'react' import { Dialog } from '@headlessui/react' import { Bars3Icon, XMarkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline' import { AcademicCapIcon, CheckCircleIcon, HandRaisedIcon, RocketLaunchIcon, SparklesIcon, SunIcon, UserGroupIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid' const navigation = [ { name: 'Product', href: '#' }, { name: 'Features', href: '#' }, { name: 'Marketplace', href: '#' }, { name: 'Company', href: '#' }, ] const stats = [ { label: 'Business was founded', value: '2012' }, { label: 'People on the team', value: '120+' }, { label: 'Users on the platform', value: '250k' }, { label: 'Paid out to creators', value: '$70M' }, ] const values = [ { name: 'Be world-class.', description: 'Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit aute id magna.', icon: RocketLaunchIcon, }, { name: 'Take responsibility.', description: 'Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo.', icon: HandRaisedIcon, }, { name: 'Be supportive.', description: 'Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus voluptas blanditiis et.', icon: UserGroupIcon, }, { name: 'Always learning.', description: 'Iure sed ab. Aperiam optio placeat dolor facere. Officiis pariatur eveniet atque et dolor.', icon: AcademicCapIcon, }, { name: 'Share everything you know.', description: 'Laudantium tempora sint ut consectetur ratione. Ut illum ut rem numquam fuga delectus.', icon: SparklesIcon, }, { name: 'Enjoy downtime.', description: 'Culpa dolorem voluptatem velit autem rerum qui et corrupti. Quibusdam quo placeat.', icon: SunIcon, }, ] const team = [ { name: 'Leslie Alexander', role: 'Co-Founder / CEO', imageUrl: '', location: 'Toronto, Canada', }, // More people... ] const benefits = [ 'Competitive salaries', 'Flexible work hours', '30 days of paid vacation', 'Annual team retreats', 'Benefits for you and your family', 'A great work environment', ] const footerNavigation = { solutions: [ { name: 'Marketing', href: '#' }, { name: 'Analytics', href: '#' }, { name: 'Commerce', href: '#' }, { name: 'Insights', href: '#' }, ], support: [ { name: 'Pricing', href: '#' }, { name: 'Documentation', href: '#' }, { name: 'Guides', href: '#' }, { name: 'API Status', href: '#' }, ], company: [ { name: 'About', href: '#' }, { name: 'Blog', href: '#' }, { name: 'Jobs', href: '#' }, { name: 'Press', href: '#' }, { name: 'Partners', href: '#' }, ], legal: [ { name: 'Claim', href: '#' }, { name: 'Privacy', href: '#' }, { name: 'Terms', href: '#' }, ], social: [ { name: 'Facebook', href: '#', icon: (props) => ( ), }, { name: 'Instagram', href: '#', icon: (props) => ( ), }, { name: 'Twitter', href: '#', icon: (props) => ( ), }, { name: 'GitHub', href: '#', icon: (props) => ( ), }, { name: 'YouTube', href: '#', icon: (props) => ( ), }, ], } export default function Example() { const [mobileMenuOpen, setMobileMenuOpen] = useState(false) return (
{/* Header */}
Your Company
{ => ( {} ))}
{/* Background */}
{/* Footer */}
) }